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3/2022 - Present

BRITTANY COHEN is a wearable art line I founded where I design jewelry and handbags. The brand designs aim to tackle complex topics and experiences many of us go through and address f*** up societal issues by providing discretely hidden messages. The pieces are meant to be an added form of empowerment to the wearer's everyday life allowing them to conquer the world! 


The company is currently in the production and sampling phase and is starting the market analysis and customer validation processes shortly.

Design & Manufacturing Jewelry

The Deisgn and manufacturing processes are shown below. Here I started with a sketch, creating the first sample using lost wax casting technique. I quickly realized I wanted to be able to manufacture the designs quicker and more efficiently, I took to learner Blender to create the sculpted pieces, printed many prototypes, and then outsourced overseas manufacturers to develop the products.

sketches and ideas- lost wax casting - 3D modeling-3D printing-sourcing suppliers-inspecti


Lost wax casting

3D Models / Prints / and Renders


Design & Manufacturing Packaging

Research has shown that customers value unexpected additions inside packaging, whether this is adding polishing cloth, including a ring stand, etc. As an early exploration, I chose to make a custom bowtie card to place inside the packaging with an our brand messaging.


The Deisgn and manufacturing processes are shown below:

Copy of sketches and ideas- lost wax casting - 3D modeling-3D printing-sourcing suppliers-
